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在上面的照片中,一群西北地区的学生正在为期末考试做准备.D. 欧文斯图书馆. 由于大学的学生成功倡议, the American Association of State Colleges 和 Universities has announced Northwest as a recipient of one of its Excellence 和 Innovation Awards. (<a href='http://4mg.klhgq2199.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>摄)

在上面的照片中,一群西北地区的学生正在为期末考试做准备.D. 欧文斯图书馆. 由于大学的学生成功倡议, the American Association of State Colleges 和 Universities has announced Northwest as a recipient of one of its Excellence 和 Innovation Awards. (和记棋牌娱乐摄)

10月. 17, 2019


这是五年来第四次了, the American Association of State Colleges 和 Universities (AASCU) has recognized 和记棋牌娱乐 with an Excellence 和 Innovation Award, 表彰该机构今年对学生成功的关注.

AASCU’s Excellence 和 Innovation Award in Student Success 和 College Completion honors institutions that achieve significant improvements in 学生的成功和大学的完成. 而该奖项关注的是每年的留校率和毕业率, AASCU selected Northwest to receive the award for its outst和ing results 和 potential to influence 和 serve as a model for other institutions.

这种认知反映了, 在某种程度上, the work Northwest completed during an 18-month period to implement a reimagined student success program 和 elevate performance excellence. 新的学业成功和留校单位, 由艾莉森·霍夫曼领导, 谁担任学业成功和留校主任, brought together areas of academic advisement 和 success coaching; academic recovery; academic support, including tutoring 和 supplemental instruction; new student orientation; first-year experience 和 retention support.

和所有奖项一样, the credit goes to so many for such incredible work in the name of student success,西北校长博士. 约翰·亚辛斯基说. “这确实是一项制度性的努力. 和记棋牌娱乐在实现集成模型方面的努力跨越了团队和个人, 和记棋牌娱乐感谢学校注重学生成功的精神. 在和记棋牌娱乐的核心, 纵观和记棋牌娱乐的历史,和记棋牌娱乐一直关注学生的成功, 和记棋牌娱乐还在继续建设, adapt 和 refine our approaches to address changing learners’ needs through partnerships, 和记棋牌娱乐的教职员工和其他利益相关者的伟大工作.”

在2017年7月创建了学术成功和保留部门之后, 和记棋牌娱乐的秋季保留率增加到73.24%,比前三年的平均水平增加了两个百分点. 去年秋天, 本单元实施后一完整学年, 大学的保留人数增加到创纪录的77人.97%, a remarkable 7 percent increase that also ranked in the 99th percentile of national peer institutions. 此外, the number of students on academic probation 和 academic suspension at Northwest decreased, while student satisfaction increased among freshmen in every category on the Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction survey.

根据满意度调查结果, 是两年一次给大一和大三学生的吗, 78 percent of Northwest freshmen stated they “probably yes” or “definitely yes” would enroll at the institution again, 相比之下,全国这一比例为71%. Eighty-two percent of juniors reported they were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their experience at Northwest, 相比之下,全国这一比例为71%.

此外, Northwest is one of five universities working with AASCU on an effort to validate strategies as AASCU launches a Center for Student Success this year. Northwest 和 the other selected institutions are sharing tools 和 expertise as they refine 和 validate the student success center’s offerings with the goal of scaling services to the broader AASCU membership.

“This award is a true testament to our institutional commitment to student success 和 willingness to reimagine how we support 和 serve students,霍夫曼说. “Launching a holistic 和 integrated model of student success significantly increased retention 和 persistence in addition to transforming our student success efforts on campus. Special thanks goes to members of Northwest’s academic success 和 retention team 和 our entire campus community for showcasing agility, 灵活性和对学生成功的持续承诺.”



Recipients of AASCU’s Excellence 和 Innovation Awards receive an engraved sculpture 和 are recognized Sunday, 10月. 27, during the opening session of the 2019 AASCU Annual Meeting at the Camby Hotel in Phoenix.

卓越和创新奖计划, 现在已经是第六年了, honors AASCU member institutions for excellence 和 innovation in the areas of regional 和 economic development, 学生的成功和大学的完成, 可持续性和可持续发展, 教师教育, 国际教育, 领导力发展和多样性.

Winning entries must show evidence that the institution’s initiative had top-level administrative support, 与其使命和战略议程相联系, 对重大的机构改进或规划作出贡献, 是基于研究的, 并结合最佳实践.

AASCU recognized Northwest last year with its Christa McAuliffe Excellence in Teacher Education Award, for 可持续性和可持续发展 in 2017 和 for 国际教育 in 2015. Northwest was just the third institution in the nation to earn the McAuliffe award two times, 在2006年第一次收到它.

查看一个 AASCU和记娱乐ios发布宣布其卓越和创新奖的获奖者,在这里.

AASCU是一家位于华盛顿特区的大学.C.由大约400所公立大学组成的美国高等教育协会, universities 和 systems whose members share a learning- 和 teaching-centered culture, a historic commitment to underserved student populations 和 a dedication to research 和 creativity that advances their regions’ economic progress 和 cultural development.



现有在校生7人以上,100名学生, 和记棋牌娱乐是男女同校, primarily residential four-year university that offers a broad range of undergraduate 和 selected graduate programs on its Maryville campus as well as its Northwest-Kansas城市 位于北国创新中心,并通过 西北在线.

The University boasts a placement rate of 97% for bachelor’s degree earners 和 99 percent of master’s degree earners who secure employment or continue their education within six months of graduation, 根据最近的数据. Zippia, a career website, names Northwest the best college in Missouri for getting a job.

Northwest places a high emphasis on profession-based learning to help graduates get a jumpstart on their careers. Students have opportunities to build their résumés with experiences on campus in nearly every area of study, 包括 霍勒斯·曼实验学校国家公共广播电台附属机构KXCV, R.T. 赖特农场, Mozingo户外教育休闲区 or Knacktive是一家以学生为导向的整合数字营销传播机构.

此外, its vibrant 和 diverse learning community offers more than 150 student organizations, 和 包括课本和笔记本电脑 在学费, 哪个是全国最低的, 估计为学生节省了7美元,四年400美元. 和记棋牌娱乐也提供1,200个学生就业岗位, allowing students to build professional skills through its internationally benchmarked student employment program. 

有关西北航空公司及其业绩的更多信息,请访问 4mg.klhgq2199.com/aboutus/facts/.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

