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Northwest Laptops

Northwest Laptops

所有和记棋牌娱乐的学生都配有一台无线笔记本电脑. Northwest laptop models may vary between students, depending on availability and enrollment status. Students enrolled in Online Professional program have a different fee structure and are ineligible to participate in the Northwest laptop program.

All repairs of Northwest-issued laptops for hardware or software failure as a result of normal everyday wear is free of charge at the Jon T. Rickman Electronic Campus Support Center.

Northwest-issued Laptops因为和记棋牌娱乐拥有大学提供的笔记本电脑和软件, the Office of Information Technology reserves the right to format and reload the hard disk without the user's permission after it is returned to the Northwest Technology Service Center. Users are encouraged by Information Technology to back up personal files on a weekly basis to prevent loss of data in case of hardware or software failure.

Northwest-issued laptop pickup and return


要领取或归还西北发行的笔记本电脑,请访问Jon T. Rickman Electronic Campus Support Center. 

要拿起笔记本电脑,请阅读并签署笔记本电脑协议 Personal Information tab in CatPAWS.

Can I return my Northwest-issued laptop by mail?

Fall 2023 laptop returns must be received on campus by Friday, December 15th.  Students who cannot return their laptop at Northwest’s Maryville or Kansas City Center locations should 使用大学提供的预付UPS退货标签来运送笔记本电脑. 使用自己的运输标签的学生将不会得到报销.

While Northwest strongly encourages campus-issued laptop computer to be returned in-person at the Jon T. Rickman Electronic Campus Support Center, due to liability issues, individuals may return their laptop via traditional mail.

要通过邮寄方式退回校园发放的笔记本电脑,请发送电子邮件至 Northwest Technology Service Center at and include a tracking number, the sticker number on the front of the laptop and contact information; indicate whether you are also returning the AC adapter. Users will be charged $25 if the Northwest AC adapter is not returned with the campus-issued laptop computer.


Northwest Missouri State University
MDC - 800 University Drive
Notebook Returns --ECSC 108
Maryville, MO 64468

把笔记本电脑打包好,或者让邮递公司帮你打包. Users are liable for up to $1,500 if the laptop is lost, stolen or damaged in transit; users are strongly encouraged to request insurance of 如果在传统邮寄途中损坏、丢失或被盗,赔偿1500美元.

What is Northwest's laptop return policy?

Students must return their laptop computers to the Electronic Campus Support Center before or on the 在期末考试的最后一天或从学校退学后的五个工作日内.

The latest the campus laptop computer may be returned without being charged a replacement fee is the first business day after final exams. Failure to return your campus laptop computer will result in a $1,500 replacement cost fine.

If for some reason you cannot return your laptop computer by the first business day after final exams, contact the Northwest Technology Service Center at 660.562.在指定的日期,为归还你的手提电脑作出特别安排.


如果您在夏季或秋季课程中预先注册, you do not have to return your Northwest-issued laptop. 

如果你没有参加暑期课程,并且提前注册了秋季学期的课程, you will be charged a summer rental fee of $75, which will appear on your University bill.

If you are not pre-registered for summer or fall courses, 你必须在春季学期结束时归还和记棋牌娱乐发放的笔记本电脑. Failure to return your campus laptop computer will result in a $1,500 replacement cost fine.

Northwest-issued laptop care and security

How do I care for my Northwest-issued laptop?

保护你的大学提供的笔记本电脑免受损坏和盗窃是很重要的. Here are some guidelines:
  • 把你的笔记本电脑放在为笔记本电脑设计的背包或手提袋里. A purse or regular backpack does not have adequate padding and the laptop computer could be damaged if dropped.
  • 把黏黏的或易流的食物远离你的笔记本电脑. Such foods may permanently damage the laptop computer keyboard or other delicate components, and most warranties do not cover such damage.
  • 让打开的饮料容器远离你的笔记本电脑. 苏打水和其他饮料会导致键盘键卡住或无法操作. 其他对精密部件的损坏可能是由于溢出造成的, and most warranties do not cover such damage.
  • 如果你的笔记本电脑一直连接到电源插座上,使用电涌保护器, particularly if your computer is turned on. An electrical surge may not hurt it one time, but continued surges could potentially damage the device and cause the loss of critical data.
  • Do not leave your laptop computer in a cold environment. Condensation, when you return it to a warm environment, could cause the circuitry to fail. 如果你的笔记本电脑暴露在寒冷的环境中, always let it warm up before turning it on.
  • 不要把你的笔记本电脑放在教室或其他地方无人看管.
  • 不要把笔记本电脑放在车里显眼的地方.
  • Do not check it as baggage when flying; take it as a carry-on.
  • 不要试图修理你的笔记本电脑或打开它看里面或添加组件. 由于缺乏知识,你可能会在不经意间造成更大的损害.
  • 如果一个或多个钥匙从你的笔记本电脑上掉下来,不要试图自己修理. Do not use glue on the keyboard. Key replacement is usually free of charge at the Electronic Campus Support Center unless the whole keyboard is damaged or vandalism is involved.
  • Do not color (markers, crayons, etc.) the keys on your laptop computer keyboard.
  • Do not place stickers on the exterior of your laptop computer that cannot be easily removed by you without damage to the laptop computer.
  • Do not have your laptop repaired at a location other than at the Electronic Campus Support Center.
  • 如果你不小心把笔记本电脑掉进水里或把液体洒在键盘上, 立即将笔记本电脑带到电子校园支持中心. If a spill is taken care of immediately, 笔记本电脑和键盘可以清洗和干燥,以防止额外的问题. 维修通常是免费的,除非涉及重大损坏或故意破坏.

How should I clean my Northwest-issued laptop?

To clean the LCD screen, use LCD screen solution, eyeglass cleaning solution, 或一份异丙醇和一份水(50/50溶液). Do not apply solution directly to screen; pour onto a soft, clean white cloth and apply to your LCD Screen.

To clean the keyboard, use a soft, clean white cloth, cotton swabs and a can of compressed air. Do not spray cleaning solutions onto keyboard. 一份异丙醇和一份水(50/50)的溶液就足够了. 不要将溶液直接喷或倒在键盘上. Pour a small amount on a cloth, squeeze out excess and gently apply the cloth to the keyboard. 用棉签和压缩空气清洁键间. Turn the keyboard upside down and gently shake to dislodge any particles stuck between keys.


The Office of Information Technology and the Northwest Technology Service Center are not responsible for supporting or backing up personal files on University-provided laptop computers. The user is solely responsible for backing up personal files to an alternative storage device.

Alternative storage devices are not provided by the Electronic Campus Support Center or the Office of Information Technology. 用户负责用个人资金购买设备. 这些设备包括但不限于USB闪存驱动器或外部硬盘驱动器. 

Northwest students, employees and University-approved organizations have OneDrive file storage with their Northwest email accounts.

Northwest-issued damages and fees

自从和记棋牌娱乐开始为学生提供笔记本电脑, an average of seven laptop computers per year have been reported stolen from rooms and vehicles. 虽然盗窃是罕见的,主要发生在校外和玛丽维尔市范围之外, 学生应该采取合理的措施来保护他们的笔记本电脑.


Students are responsible for repairs for their laptop computer with financial responsibility determined by severity of damage. 在典型的一年里,大约有150次维修导致一个学生要为损坏买单.

最常见的非保修期维修是损坏的LCD屏幕(收费50美元), lost AC adapter ($25) and repairs resulting from liquid spills that corrode and short internal circuits ($50 charge).

In most cases, depending on circumstances involved with the damage, students are not billed for the full cost of repair unless the laptop computer sustained major damage due to vandalism or obvious abuse, or was lost or stolen.

而你可以在你的西北发行的笔记本电脑上添加装饰或个人贴纸, you are responsible for removing those stickers and adhesive residue prior to returning the laptop to Northwest. Failure to do so may result in a $10 charge. 西北标识牌必须保持完整,不能损坏.


学生对重大损失承担全部经济责任, 丢失或被盗一台校园发放的笔记本电脑,最高赔偿1美元,500 and will be billed accordingly.

What should I do if my laptop is lost or stolen?

  • 如果校园发放的笔记本电脑丢失或被盗,请立即向警方报案.
  • Filing a report and providing that report to the Northwest Technology Service Center will result in a refund, 如果笔记本电脑被恢复,可能会减少财务责任.
  • 如有遗失或被盗,请向西北技术服务中心报告.
  • Under most circumstances, you will be issued another Northwest laptop to ensure you continue to succeed academically.

Northwest-issued laptop Insurance


Although manufacturing defects are covered by the vendor and hardware and software repair is free of charge at the Electronic Campus Support Center, Northwest does not provide additional coverage to protect your campus-issued laptop from damage, loss or theft.


For major laptop computer damage, vandalism or theft, students are encouraged to purchase liability insurance from an insurance provider of your choice.  

下面列出了三个这样的供应商,将涵盖其他个人设备,如电视, personal computers, gaming consoles, etc:

Does Northwest endorse any particular insurance provider?

Northwest does not endorse any provider and encourages students and parents to research the best option for their needs.

Any questions?

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